昨夜/除夕沒有別的節目,在家大吃大喝.弄了螃蟹及鮭魚.(諧音好像不怎麼吉利的感覺.)一個客戶送我兩瓶 Pinot Noir 紅酒:一瓶是美國奧勒崗州產的;一瓶是紐西蘭產的.對紅酒略知一二的話,應該曉得美國奧勒崗州和紐西蘭釀製世界級的 Pinot Noir.在美國,進口的紐西蘭Pinot Noir 有限,我們嚐過的屈指可數.這個客戶常去纽澳出差,特別給我帶了紐西蘭 Pinot Noir 回來.他也知道我們曾在奧勒崗州住過,所以送我這兩瓶酒來直接評比.很有意思.
Happy New Year!
It was 9 degrees out when we took Sunny for a walk this afternoon (2 pm -ish). Well, a dog must get its daily walk, right? So do humans.
I got a pair of ice skates for Christmas. Among all nice things we received, these were especially notable since they made me feel like a kid again. Over the weekend, we went lap swimming and ice skating. Both of us were aching since yesterday.
Not much going on for New Year's Eve except we did pig out on crab and salmon. One of my clients gave me 2 bottles of Pinot Noir: one from Oregon and one from New Zealand. The head to head comparison was fun.
So, today is a day of recuperating and football watching. A little walk did us good. On such cold days, I miss Atsuki beans and sweet rice balls soup. Unfortunately, I don't have any ingredients to make the dish at the moment. Last February I made a huge batch from scratch and freeze most of it for later enjoyment but ran out some months ago.
We went to my sister-in-law's (in Rochester MN) for Christmas. You can see from the photos that it looked like we were in Alaska! LOL!