星期二, 3月 27, 2007

There's More to Cheese And Phish 不限奶酪魚



話說,最近認識一個在我們公司代班,當臨時職員 temp 的大陸妹。七年級,才大學剛畢業。十歲就跟父母移民到美國來,雖然不是土生土長的華裔,也快差不多了。我和大陸妹還蠻有話說的,原因是她興趣廣泛,接觸到許多非主流的東西。這在亞裔中不多見。



夏季的節慶已經在打廣告了嘛...今兒聊著聊著就聊到音樂節 music festival 去了。我當然講了講自己聽 jam band 的經驗,結果大陸妹回說,那是她高中的事了。ㄟ,又讓我意外了一下哦。說實在的,jam band 多是四五六年級的老人在聽的。我問她聽過哪些?她提到 Grateful Dead, Phish, String Cheese Incident 確實都是傳奇知名的樂團。不過,大陸妹的高中時代正值許多 jam band 走火入魔,到幾乎是純演奏,不唱歌的地步,讓很多樂迷反感,轉聽其他類型的音樂。也有些年輕人聽到 jam band 就有某種聯想。難怪,大陸妹說到 jam band 一臉怪怪的樣子。

我問大陸妹有沒聽過現在比較知名的幾個團,當然她不會知道的。可能只是從前的一個 phase,也可能對所謂 jam band 倒胃口。其實,雖然一直都差不多是搖滾,過去十幾二十年來,愈來愈多非搖滾樂團走 jam band 的路。我就改問她有沒聽過某些類型?當然也沒有。我只能暗想:可惜大陸妹對 jam band 只知其一。

人真的不能太鐵齒,不然會失去很多拓廣耳界的機會。以前我老公絕不會聽嘻哈,因為 Michael Franti & Spearhead 的關係,他改變主意了。音樂嘛...放鬆心情就好!

最後問了大陸妹她現在都聽什麼。原來是 indie。真和 wikipedia 寫的雷同啊! ↓

For many jam fans, particularly those in their late 20's located in urban pockets around the country, the demise of Phish and rise of indie rock led to a general backlash against the jam band stigma in 2004. As cited in both the December/January 2006 issue of Relix magazine and a contemporaneous issue of the Village Voice, the term post-jam has come to define a group of more song-oriented live bands with roots in the jam scene.

到底什麼是 jam band? ↓


The diverse genres and styles of the jam band scene are held together by a common musical approach: an emphasis on creative improvisation and live performance as opposed to structured, arranged live performances and planned studio recordings. Additionally, another common thread uniting all of the jam bands today is a common fan base of festival-goers and touring fans.

以上英文解說來自 wikipedia,還有更詳細的介紹。請參見連結如下:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jam_band

又,100 greatest jam bands 網頁列有最讚的樂團:http://www.digitaldreamdoor.com/pages/best_artists-jam.html

