星期四, 4月 16, 2009

Sunny Knee Surgery 開刀

We had noticed Sunny limping for some time and took to the vet late last fall. The diagnose was that she had arthritis and slight "torn" on the right knee. It was something we needed to watch for and it could heal. As for the arthritis, we could give her pain pills and food supplement for the joints.

A few months went by, after careful watching and giving her glucosamine, her movement seemed a bit smoother but still limping. We took her to the vet for a complete physical. Her knee condition had worsen. An ACL surgery was unavoidable.

It is a pretty big expense. We want to make sure we understand the procedure and recovery process, so we did some online research and even take Sunny to a different vet for 2nd opinion. As it turned out the 2nd vet charged even more.

Tue, the 14th, we dropped Sunny off at the clinic for surgery. Today we went to pick her up.

Poor Girl… now the recovery process starts. She needs to confined for 4 weeks with minimal activities.

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